Event Insurance for Parks
The days are getting longer, and the weather’s getting warmer. That can only mean one thing: Summer is underway! That means from picnics to block parties and family reunions to festivals, more and more events are taking to the streets (or parks). Here you’ll find advice on classifying your event type, filling out an event liability quote, and what other insurance coverage may be right for you.

Choosing Your Event Type
Below I’ve taken the liberty of narrowing down and grouping event types to showcase ones that are often held at parks.
- 4H Fair
- Bake/Cookoff
- Beer Garden/Tent
- Fair
- Festival
- Block Party
- Parade Without Floats
- Pig Roast
- Craft Fair
- Flea Market
- Rummage Sale
- Yard Sale
- Baseball Tournament
- Basketball Tournament
- Bocce Ball Tournament
- Chess Tournament
- Corn Hole Tournament
- Marathons & Half Marathons
- Pickleball Tournament
- Run/Fun Run/ Race
- Running Events (5K, 8K, &10K)
- Softball Tournament
- Soccer Tournament
- Surfing Competition
- Tennis tournament
- Walk-a-thon
- Yoga
- Zumba
Other Events
- Baby Shower
- Birthday Party
- Car Wash
- Family Reunion
- Home and Garden Tour
- Reunion
- Wedding
- Reunion
- Theatrical Performance
We know our long list of event types can feel overwhelming. That’s why our fantastic customer service reps are always happy to help steer you in the right direction. They can be reached at 888-882-5140 (9-5 EST M-F or through our emergency line 24/7).
What do Parks/Public Venues Require for Event Liability Insurance?
The exact insurance limits will vary from one park to the next, but overall you will be looking at a limit of $1Million per occurrence/ $2Million aggregate ($1M/$2M in the quote calculator). The other limits can be left at the standard amounts unless your venue tells you otherwise. Another thing that every park we have worked with requires is that the city/township is listed as an additional insured. About half the time they will request that the local Park & Recreations be listed as an additional insured as well. Fortunately, that’s easy to do on our site, and best of all it is free to have additional insured listed.

Other Types of Insurance
Once you have your event liability policy it’s a good idea to consider other event oriented insurance like cancellation insurance, or rain insurance.
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